Procainamide action
A. Howard, William E. Collins, Peter C. Contacos, and Franklin A. Neva 565 Intraspecific variation in Plasmodium falciparum. Masamichi Aikawa and Ronald A. Ward - 570 Malaria antibody levels in patients with Burkitt's lymphoma. Paul M. Feorino and Henry M.Mathews " -""-"" " --574.
Efficacy analyses were based on the full analysis set corresponding to the intentto-treat population ; , which comprised all randomised patients who took doubleblind study product and had at least one valid post-baseline assessment of the primary efficacy measure. Safety analyses were based on the set of all patients treated, which included all patients who took at least one dose of double-blind study product. A minimum of 135 patients per treatment arm was required to reach a power of 90% to detect a significant difference between treatment groups in mean change from baseline to final assessment in LSAS total score at the 5% significance level. A general linear model for analysis of covariance ANCOVA ; was applied to the primary and secondary efficacy measures with factors for treatment group and centres all centres with fewer than four patients were collapsed into one collective centre ; , and with baseline LSAS total score as a covariate. The final CGIS and CGII scores were also analysed using the non-parametric CochranMantelHaenszel mean score statistics. Between-group comparisons of the proportion of responders CGII score of 1 or treatment were performed using chi-squared and Fisher's exact tests. Descriptive statistics were used for absolute values and mean changes from baseline in laboratory values, ECG parameters, vital signs and body weight. All statistical tests were two-sided and were carried out at the 5% level of significance.
T1 2 initial min ; relative 27 ; 49 17 ; * 126 78 ; 58 % ; T1 fraction hr ; relative total TJ-HS 1 % ; Initial fraction % hr ; Total rate disapp 23 ; 74 11 ; 2.3 73 ; 68 27 ; Plasma disapp rate % 24 21 ; 34 mg liter ; Initial SAP 29 ; * 64 52 ; * min ; Interstitial clearance 61 ; * 2.6 1.5 ; 5.0 37 ; * 4.7 % Retention by urinary excretion mg hr ; Total exchange rate ml min ; Synthesis clearance 0.5 ; 4.5 1.4 ; 52 4.7 ; 5.5 FIGURE 3. Comparison of 48-hr total-body 123I-SAPretention derived from rate mg hr ; 66 24 ; 30 ; 3.2 ; urinary excretion x-axis ; with retention value calculated from gamma camera data y-axis ; for all subjects. The continuous line is the line of identity. Dotted * p 0.05 for comparison between AA or AL vs. controls. lines represent 10% difference region, the tolerance level. Points outside this AA AA amyloidosis patients; AL AL amyloidosis patients. region contain errors in urinary sampling
Strains. The nucleotide sequence divergences between regions of the ftsI genes compared with the corresponding regions in the ftsI gene of H. influenzae Rd are shown in percentages. Solid bars indicate nucleotides that differ from the corresponding nucleotides in H.
Poisoning by agents primarily affecting the cardiovascular system 972.0 Cardiac rhythm regulators Practolol Procainamide Propranolol Quinidine lidocaine 968.5.
Procainamide versus amiodarone
Ben Gobrane, H.; Fakhfakh, R.; Rahal, K.; Ben Ayed, F.; Maalej, M.; Ben Abdallah, M.; Achour, N.; Hsairi, M. National Institution of Public Health EMHJ - Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal 2006; 13 2 ; : 309-318 34 ref. ; Keywords: Prognosis; Survival Analysis and procaine.
Personal property, such as a valuable painting, provides an alternative to traditional investment options.
Obtain one variety where you live. However, if at all possible, try to feed mixed grass hay or provide two or more individual types. Grass hays are rich in nutrients but provide the lower energy diet appropriate for a house rabbit. These are the healthiest hays to feed. If you have a choice, choose sun-dried hay that has retained more of its nutrients than commercially dried hay. Do not feed straw. Straw is devoid of most nutrients and although it is not harmful in small amounts, it will lead to serious nutritional deficiencies if it is major part of the rabbit diet. Legume hays are made from alfalfa, clover, peas, beans or peanuts. These hays are loaded with nutrients but have more calories, calcium and protein than a house rabbit needs. Feeding only legume hays may lead to GI disorders and obesity and for this reason we do not recommend feeding these hays. If you mix legume hay with grass hay, the rabbit may only pick out the calorie-rich legume hay and thus overload itself with calories, thus we do not recommend mixing grass and legume hay. If you live in an area where only legume hay is available it is preferable to use it rather then no hay at all. However you may wish to limit the amount of hay if your pet experiences excessive weight gain or GI problems and procarbazine.
If VF VT converts to a perfusing rhythm, or develops a perfusing rhythm only to revert back to VF VT, start appropriate drip: Lidocaine: If no lidocaine was given, give 2% at 1.5mg kg IVP and repeat in 5 min for a total loading dose of 3 mg kg. Then dose at 0.5mg kg q 10 min or 1-4 mg min OR Amiodarone 150mg IV over first 10 mins, then 360mg IV over next 6 hours 1mg kg ; OR Procainamide 1-4 mg min maintenance infusion.
The Journal of Neuroscience, November 1995, 75 11 ; 7033 sistance was not reported in striatal cells recorded in vitro following a similar regimen of haloperidol treatment Calabresi et al., 1992 ; . This discrepancy could reflect differences in several factors that are likely to exert disparate influences in each preparation, such as: I ; differences in DA cell activity such as depolarization block, which is dependent on an intact striatonigral feedback pathway Bunney and Grace, 1978; Chiodo and Bunney, 1983; Grace and Bunney, 1983; White and Wang, 1983; Hollerman et al., 1992 2 ; differences in the relative impact of other presynaptic changes present in the in vivo preparation, such as presynaptic D2 receptor supersensitivity Bannon et al., 1980; Calabresi et al., 1992 ; , changes in corticostriatal transmission Meshul and Tan, 1993; Meshul et al., 1994 ; , an increase in perforated synapses Meshul et al., 1992 ; . or a decrease in glutamate receptor binding Creese et al., 1994 and procrit.
Procainamide discontinued
Davis trained at a procainamide in research disease.
Treatment of advanced Hodgkin's disease with chemotherapy -- comparison of MOPP ABV hybrid regimen with alternating courses of MOPP and ABVD: a report from the National Cancer Institute of Canada clinical trials group. J Clin Oncol 1997; 15: 1638-45. [Erratum, J Clin Oncol 1997; 15: 2762.] Canellos GP, Anderson JR, Propert KJ, et al. Chemotherapy of advanced Hodgkin's disease with MOPP, ABVD, or MOPP alternating with ABVD. N Engl J Med 1992; 327: 1478-84. Cullen MH, Stuart NSA, Woodroffe C, et al. ChlVPP PAB1OE and radiotherapy in advanced stage Hodgkin's disease. J Clin Oncol 1994; 12: 779-87. Hancock BW, Vaughan Hudson G, Vaughan Hudson B, et al. LOPP alternating with EVAP is superior to LOPP alone in the initial treatment of advanced Hodgkin's disease: results of a British National Lymphoma Investigation trial. J Clin Oncol 1992; 10: 1252-8. Longo DL, Duffey PL, DeVita VT Jr, et al. Treatment of advanced-stage Hodgkin's disease: alternating noncrossresistant MOPP CABS is not superior to MOPP. J Clin Oncol 1991; 9: 1409-20. Josting A, Franklin J, May M, et al. New prognostic score based on treatment outcome of patients with relapsed Hodgkin's lymphoma registered in the database of the German Hodgkin's Lymphoma Study Group. J Clin Oncol 2002; 20: 221-30. Bonfante V, Santoro A, Viviani S, et al. Outcome of patients with Hodgkin's disease failing after primary MOPP-ABVD. J Clin Oncol 1997; 15: 528-34. Frei E III, Canellos GP. Dose: a critical factor in cancer chemotherapy. J Med 1980; 69: 585-94. van Rijswijk REN, Haanen C, Dekker AW, de Meijer AJ, Verbeek J. Dose intensity of MOPP chemotherapy and survival in Hodgkin's disease. J Clin Oncol 1989; 7: 1776-82. Hasenclever D, Loeffler M, Diehl V. Rationale for dose escalation of first line conventional chemotherapy in advanced Hodgkin's disease. Ann Oncol 1996; 7: Suppl 4: 95-8. 11. Loeffler M, Hasenclever D, Diehl V. Model based development of the BEACOPP regimen for advanced stage Hodgkin's disease. Ann Oncol 1998; 9: Suppl 5: S73-S78. 12. Diehl V, Sieber M, Rffer U, et al. BEACOPP: an intensified chemotherapy regimen in advanced Hodgkin's disease. Ann Oncol 1997; 8: 143-8 and prohibit.
Cooperation between the institutions should enhance the mutual support by learning from each other, by exchanging experiences, and by regular mutual reflections on what we can do to counteract the 'less interest among students' and the 'less interest among the academic and political authorities' and also on what we can learn from more successful or from less successful partners. The scope of CHERNE is not limited and any activity related to higher education in radiological and or nuclear engineering can be proposed. CHERNE activities will be organised mostly for students of members, mainly at Master level. They should include at least a one-week 2 ECTS module. It's necessary to include practical training in activities for students, including when possible an access to large facilities. Teaching modules are clearly seen as a possible kind of activity, but other types of cooperation may be also developed such as material for modules conveniently adapted in each university, e-learning, etc. The language used in CHERNE activities is English. The CHERNE activities will be organised at no cost, or very low fee, for students coming from other partner institutions. The organising partner will find and propose cheap accommodation for the students coming from abroad. When possible, the organisation of CHERNE activities will be included in ERASMUS exchanges. Therefore, the partners are encouraged to sign bilateral ERASMUS agreements. Research collaborations are not the main goal of the network. However, they are quite naturally developed as a consequence of the frequent exchanges for educational cooperation. [3, 4, 5].
Procainamide blocker
Highly protein-bound medications, such as: anticoagulants, coumarin- and indandione-derivative anticonvulsants, hydantoin anti-inflammatory drugs, nonsteroidal quinine salicylates sulfinpyrazone caution is advised when these medications are used concurrently with nifedipine or verapamil since changes in serum concentrations of the free, unbound medications may occur ; » hypokalemia-producing medications, such as: amphotericin b, parenteral carbonic anhydrase inhibitors corticosteroids, glucocorticoid, especially those with significant mineralocorticoid activity corticosteroids, mineralocorticoid corticotropin acth ; diuretics, potassium-depleting such as bumetanide, ethacrynic acid, furosemide, indapamide, mannitol, or thiazides ; sodium phosphates risk of bepridil-induced arrhythmias may be increased ; hypotension-producing medications, other see appendix ii ; antihypertensive effects may be potentiated when these medications are used concurrently with hypotension-producing calcium channel blocking agents; although some antihypertensive and or diuretic combinations are frequently used for therapeutic advantage, when any hypotension-producing medication is used concurrently dosage adjustments may be necessary ; lithium concurrent use with calcium channel blocking agents may result in neurotoxicity in the form of nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, ataxia, tremors, and or tinnitus; caution is recommended ; neuromuscular blocking agents verapamil may potentiate the activity of curare-like and depolarizing neuromuscular blocking agents; dosage reduction of either or both medications may be necessary during concurrent use ; phenobarbital may increase clearance of verapamil ; prazosin, and possibly other alpha-adrenergic blocking agents concurrent use with calcium channel blocking agents may produce an increased hypotensive effect, possibly related to impairment of compensatory responses by alpha-blockade and or inhibition of prazosin metabolism by calcium channel blocking agents ; caution is recommended ; » procainamide or » quinidine or » other medications causing q-t interval prolongation risk of increased q-t interval prolongation ; caution is recommended when procainamide or quinidine is used with a calcium channel blocking agent since both groups of medications possess negative inotropic properties ; » rifampin, and possibly other hepatic enzyme inducers rifampin may reduce the bioavailability of oral verapamil by induction of first-pass metabolism ; other calcium channel blocking agents may also be affected, depending on the extent of first-pass metabolism ; sympathomimetics concurrent use may reduce antihypertensive effects of calcium channel blocking agents; the patient should be carefully monitored to confirm that the desired effect is being obtained ; laboratory value alterations the following have been selected on the basis of their potential clinical significance possible effect in parentheses where appropriate ; — not necessarily inclusive » major clinical significance ; : with physiology laboratory test values antinuclear antibody ana ; titers and direct coombs test, with or without hemolytic anemia positive results have been reported during nifedipine therapy ; arterial blood pressure may be reduced by calcium channel blocking agents ; electrocardiograph ecg ; effects p-r interval may be increased by diltiazem and verapamil ; note: increase tends to be proportional to serum concentration and prolixin.
Procainamide extended release
Browse ventricular fibrillation articles via key phrases: procainamide , ventricular tachycardia , extrastimuli , postinfarct dogs , ventricular tachycardia induction , dogs , ventricular fibrillation , conclusion: ventricular tachycardia , unchanged , electrophysiological , ventricular tachycardia cycle , antiarrhythmic , proarrhythmic , drug , cautiously , undescribed action , promoting , prolongation , convert postinfarction ventricular fibrillation , presumably , insensitive , 4 + - 3 extrastimuli , procainamide 15 , 5 + - micrograms ml , ventricular apex , programmed stimulation , inducible ventricular tachyarrhythmias , 35 dogs , procainamide exerted , greatest , procainamide never , inducible ventricular tachycardia , ventricular fibrillation 3 + - 3 extrastimuli , monomorphic ventricular tachycardia cycle length: 147 + - 4 msec , reproducible , 17 dogs , related ventricular fibrillation articles: promotion of ventricular tachycardia induction by procainamide in dogs with inducible vent 1990 ; pacing clin electrophysiol right versus left ventricular stimulation: influence on induction of ventricular tachyarrh 1990 ; int j cardiol effects of atrial pacing, isoprenaline and lignocaine on experimental polymorphous ventric 1984 ; cardiovasc res effect of procainamide on the induction of ventricular fibrillation by sequential ventricu 1987 ; jpn circ j procainamide in the induction and perpetuation of ventricular tachycardia in man.
Discussion We found remarkably low efficacy rates for lidocaine in combination with quinidine, procainamide or encainide, using prevention of VT induction at electrophysiologic study as the indicator of drug efficacy. The efficacy rates for propranolol combinations were somewhat higher, but most of these patients had not been proven to be unresponsive to propranolol alone. Acute efficacy rates for single drug trials in our laboratory are 13% for lidocaine, 20% for quindine, 19% for procainamide, 9% for encainide, 27% for propranolol, 1 for amiodarone, 10% for lorcainide and 12% for other agents.13 The acute efficacy rates for propranolol and propantheline.
Stability at Low pH All surface bonded chemistries belonging to the BETASIL family are highly stable under chemical attack. Hydrolysis of the silane ligand can occur under acidic conditions, resulting in a loss of retention and or selectivity. The effect becomes more severe as ligand chain length is reduced, as is observed for the BETASIL C1 phase. Wettable stationary phases such as the BETASIL Cyano packing can also show slightly less resistance to chemical attack, and consequently are recommended only for use between pH 2 and 8. In general, BETASIL packings show superior stability to many other packings. Figure 2 shows BETASIL phases subjected to 25, 000 column volumes of aggressive mobile phase at pH 1.8 and 50C. The BETASIL C18 phase exhibits virtually no change in retention for the analysis of a sensitive drug mixture. Base Deactivated for Better Peak Shape with Basic Compounds All BETASIL packings are base deactivated and show excellent peak shape for basic compounds. Figure 3 shows the analysis of a procainamide test mixture, a mixture that would typically have given rise to broad tailing peaks for the more basic compounds on traditional C18 silicas prepared on a Type A silica. In terms of silanol activity, the BETASIL packing is similar to other Type B silicabased phases such as BetaBasic and BetaMax Neutral phases. Phase Collapse Phenomenon Mobile phases that contain a high proportion of water often are employed to retain highly polar compounds when using RP-HPLC. Many C18 columns will show a reversible loss of retention when exposed to highly aqueous mobile phase. The rate and degree of retention loss can vary greatly among different columns. A common explanation for this retention loss is that the hydrophobic alkyl chains of the stationary phase are not wettable and appear to "fold" down on the silica surface to avoid a highly aqueous, hydrophilic mobile phase Figure 4 and procainamide.
Procainamide treat sinus bradycardia
The obvious highlight of the year in human genetics is the human genome "Golden Path", at : genome.cse.ucsc . This site presents a distillation of complete and incomplete human genomic clone sequences to give a set of continuous sequences, with details of their contributing clones, covering as much of the genome as and propylthiouracil.
Background. Use-dependent effects of antiarrhythmic drugs on phase 0 sodium current result in rate-dependent conduction slowing with important potential clinical consequences. The purpose of the present study was to determine whether state-dependent interactions of procainamide with sodium channels can be analyzed based on conduction changes in vivo. Methods and Results. Procainamide infusions were used to produce stable drug concentrations causing 25% conduction slowing at a basic cycle length BCL ; of 300 msec in morphine chloralose-anesthetized dogs with formalin-induced atrioventricular block. Computer-based epicardial activation mapping was applied to assess the time course and pattern of conduction over a wide range of BCLs before and after drug administration. Action potential duration was measured from recordings of monophasic action potentials. The onset and steady-state values of fractional sodium channel block estimated from conduction changes were fitted to equations obtained from a stepwise exponential analysis. The rate constant for the onset of block A * ; decreased, as predicted, with decreasing cycle length. The slope of the relation between A * and recovery time at each BCL averaged 0.290.03 sec-', resulting in a calculated recovery time constant 3.4 seconds ; similar to values previously obtained by direct measurement. Estimates of binding and unbinding rate constants for the sodium channel during the action potential plateau and after repolarization were of the same order as previous results obtained using microelectrode methods in vitro. Conclusions. Use-dependent conduction changes produced by procainamide in vivo closely follow the predictions of mathematical models of drug-channel interactions, and underlying kinetic interactions with the sodium channel inferred from conduction changes agree with previous, more direct observations. These results support the relevance of basic concepts about antiarrhythmic drug actions on sodium channels for understanding drug effects on conduction in vivo and advance analytical tools that can be used to explore the latter in humans. Circulation 1992; 85: 2255-2266 ; KEY WoRDs * antiarrhythmics * sodium channel * electrocardiography * arrhythmias mathematical models.
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When the duration of the atrial fibrillation was 48 hours, conversion to sinus rhythm was achieved in 29 69% of the 42 patients receiving procainamide and in 16 3 1% of those receiving placebo p 004 and procaine.
Procainamide indications
AERPAP correlates best with a history of ventricular fibrillation, 9 and the correlation of AERPAP and SRRPE remains controversial.9 11-14 The purpose of the present investigation was twofold: first, to test the hypothesis that loss of preexcitation in sinus rhythm with procainamide infusion reliably predicts SRRPE, and second, to reexamine the relationship between AERPAP and SRRPE and thus determine whether AERPAP can be used as a reliable guide for SRRPE. Methods and protriptyline.
Procainamide brand name
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Procainamide for atrial fibrillation
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