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The calls with toxic exposure 23'667 ; are presented by age and gender in Table 2. Children were concerned in 52.6 % of the cases, adults in 46.9 %. In 111 cases 0.5 % ; , the age group remained unknown. The most frequent incidents concerned children under five years of age. The proportion of harmless cases was significantly higher in children 18.8 % ; than in adults 5.8 % ; . In contrast, the proportion of potentially severe cases was somewhat higher in adults 41.1 % ; than in children 33.8 % ; . Boys predominated among the children 24.0 % vs. 22.1 % ; , women among the adults 26.0 % vs. 17.2.

Isolates have not been reported in Florida 2 ; . The 5-year lag period between the introduction of imazalil into commercial California packinghouses and the isolation of resistant isolates of P. digitatum may support the hypothesis that imazalil resistance in Penicillium spp. is controlled by a polygenic system and several minor genes for resistance must be accumulated for a practical level of resistance to this fungicide to develop 7, 8, 14, ; . However, field isolates with intermediate levels of resistance have not been found. Thiabendazole resistance, due to a single major gene mutation 6, 34 ; , appeared in P. italicum isolates in California lemon packinghouses after only 15 months of continuous use of this fungicide 17 ; . P. digitatum isolates that were resistant only to imazalil had a higher level of imazalil resistance than isolates resistant to imazalil, o-phenylphenol, and thiabendazole. The two groups of imazalilresistant isolates were discriminated by streaking spore suspensions of both groups of isolates onto H-25 medium amended with 0.4 g of imazalil per ml and 1.0 g of thiabendazole per ml. The triple-resistant isolates did not form colonies on the imazalilamended medium, whereas isolates resistant to imazalil only did form colonies. The increased imazalil sensitivity of the triple-resistant isolates appears to be expressed in the early stages of conidial development, because there was no apparent difference in sensitivity expressed in our EC50 and EC90 values. Guan et al. 15 ; reported that conidial germination in P. italicum was more sensitive to imazalil than was mycelial growth of hyphae approximately 18 h old. The hyphal inoculum for our EC50 studies was approximately 24 h old. This difference may account for the difference between the two assays. Variability in the EC50 values reported for imazalil by various researchers can be explained by differences in experimental procedures and the calculation of the EC50 values. We observed that pH of the culture medium and inoculum age have a significant effect upon the EC50 value. The pKa of imazalil, 6.53 29 ; , is sufficiently close to the pH of PDA 5.6 0.2 ; and H-25 medium 5.9 0.2 ; that a slight difference in the pH of the culture medium in different assays could have a significant effect on the concentration of the neutral dissociated ; form of imazalil, which is largely responsible for the antifungal activity of this compound 15, 29 ; . At pH 5.5, 9.1% of the imazalil in the culture medium is in the neutral active ; form; at pH 6.0, 24% of the imazalil is in the neutral form 1 ; . The striking effect of pH upon the EC50 value is shown in Figure 2. To minimize the effect of pH on EC50 values, all petri dishes in a single 30-isolate test contained the same batch of H-25 medium pH 5.9 0.2 ; and included a well-characterized isolate of a Penicillium sp. as a reference. The striking effect of inoculum age upon the EC50 value for imazalil, but not for thiabendazole or o-phenylphenol, may be due to cell permeability to the fungicide or to action sites unique to different stages of fungal growth. Guan et al. 15 ; noted that conidial germination was more sensitive to imazalil than was the growth of 18-h-old hyphae. The mass of fungus tissue interacting with a relatively low concentration of imazalil in the culture medium may also be a factor, since the estimate of minimum inhibitory concentrations MICs ; can be influenced by the mass of fungal inoculum J. W. Eckert, unpublished data ; . In our experiments, the dose response of P. digitatum and P. italicum to imazalil at the concentrations tested was linear, with R2 values generally greater than 0.95. The calculation of EC50 values using the original experimental units was simpler and provided more accurate estimates of EC50 values than the log-dose probit transformation. de Waard et al. 8 ; reported the imazalil sensitivity of a single wildtype P. italicum isolate EC50 0.07 g ml ; and of several laboratoryinduced imazalil-resistant mutants. The EC50 for their wild-type P. italicum was more than twice the mean of 17 wild-type isolates that we tested mean EC50 0.031 g ml ; . This difference in imazalil sensitivity is easily within the error range of the assay procedure.

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First United Methodist Church, 325 E. E St., Elizabethton, will host a worship service on Sunday, June 17, at 9: 55 a.m. The Chancel Choir anthem will be "How Great Thou" and "Majesty." The Rev. Buford "Boo" Hankins will preach his last sermon as the church's pastor. Hankins will become the new pastor of Trinity United Methodist Church in Greeneville. During fellowship time, a Father's Day Brunch will be held to honor the fathers and to say farewells to Hankins. Hankins will become the pastor of Trinity United Methodist Church, Greeneville. One of 11 children, Hankins grew up on the banks of the Clinch River in Cedar Bluff, Va. He graduated Rev. from RichBuford lands High Hankins School; has an A.A. degree from Hiwassee College and a B.S. degree from Tennessee Wesleyan College. He graduated from Candler School of Theology in 1971 with a M.Div. degree. Hankins and his wife, Phyllis, have been married for 37 years. Phyllis is a graduate of Asbury Theological Seminary, and has served churches since 1999. She will be doing graduate work at U-T. The couple served as misssionaries in Honduras and Liberia. They have two married daughters, Rachel and Bethany, and two grandchildren, John and Ariel. On Sunday, from 6-8: 30 p.m., First United Methodist Church will begin their "Lift Off" Vacation Bible School for pre-K to junior high. The VBS will continue through Thursday, June 21. On Tuesday, a ladies Bible study will begin at 10 a.m. For more information, call 543-3505. Table S2 available with the online version of this paper at : mic.sgmjournals ; . In comparison to untreated cells, a total of 250 genes displayed a 1?5-fold or greater change in expression P values 0?05 ; when treated with either albendazole or thiabendazole Table 2 ; . This represents an altered expression of 6 % of the M. tuberculosis ORFs, a value consistent with global effects on regulatory cascades and compensatory responses of gene expression involved in multiple cell processes. It was noted that when the expression profiles of albendazole- and thiabendazoletreated cells were compared, there was a 70 % n 1722 ; concordance in the transcriptional response between these treatments, indicating a similar mode of action for both these Z-ring inhibitors. Furthermore, when compared to previously reported expression profiles obtained during inhibition of basic metabolic processes such as transcription and protein synthesis Boshoff et al., 2004 ; , there was no overlap with the expression profiles induced by albendazole and thiabendazole treatment, thus adding confidence that the observed transcriptional response is due to inhibition of septum formation. The microarray data were validated by quantitative RT-PCR analysis of selected genes involved in regulation and the cell cycle Fig. 4 ; . This assessment revealed a strong concordance in gene expression trends as measured by RT-PCR and microarray analyses. Specifically, inhibition of FtsZ polymerization led to an average induction of genes associated with DNA replication and septum formation, and an average repression of genes involved in resolution of the septum and cell wall synthesis.

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0 1 2 Years 5 6 7 Fig 2. Times-to-failure according t o leukemia cell karyotype normal Y abnormal ; and the expression of membrane CD3 antigen. Cases with normal karyotype with or without expresaion of membrane CD3 antigen fared significantly better than those with abnormal karyotype and CD3- P .02 ; . which in turn have a better outcome than cases with abnormal karyotype and CD3 + P .OW.

Michols DM. 2005 Aug ; . The Distinction Between Advertising and Other Activities. Administrative update of January 12, 1996 policy. Health Products and Food Branch, Health Canada. Rowsell LB. 2000 Nov ; . Advertising Campaigns of Branded and Unbranded Messages. Policy statement. Therapeutic Products Directorate, Health Canada. hc-sc.gc hpbdgps therapeut zfiles english policy issued adv campaign?e . Gardner DM, Mintzes B, Ostry A. 2003 ; . Direct-to-consumer prescription drug advertising in Canada: Permission by default? CMAJ; 169: 425-427 and thiamin.

All medications except sibutramine and orlistat are approved for short-term use only ie, 3 months or less ; . Sibutramine has been approved for long-term use. Orlistat has received an approvable letter from the Food and Drug Administration, with final approval expected by Spring 1999. Adapted from Bray 59 with permission. DEA indicates Drug Enforcement Agency. The Controlled Substances Act 60places all regulated substances into 1 of 5 schedules on the basis of their medical use, potential for abuse, and safety. Schedule I substances have the highest potential for abuse or unsafe use; Schedule V substances, the least. Title Source where different from company ; Company, Report No. GLP or GEP status where relevant ; Published or not Determination of the Magnitude of the Residues of the Fungicide Thiabendazole in Citrus Treated with a Dip and Wax Treatments. MSD Report No.: 93064 Source: Stewart Agricultural Research Services Inc., Missouri and Merck Research Labs., Three Bridges, NJ, USA GLP GEP: yes unpublished and thioguanine. Reexpression of YFP -MHC Is Associated with Fibrosis. To gain further insights into the nature of the distribution of YFP MHC-expressing cells within the hearts of Yb RenTg animals, we examined whether the clustered expression pattern of YFP -MHC is correlated with the focal myocardial fibrosis that is known to occur in the RenTg animals 25 ; . Masson's trichrome staining of paraffin sections is a conventional stain for fibrosis, but sections prepared in this manner lose their YFP fluorescence. We therefore used fluorescent wheat germ agglutinin WGA ; , a lectin that binds to sugar residues and has previously shown to demonstrate the presence of the highly glycosylated protein collagen in tissue sections 28, 29 ; . We confirmed that WGA binds to collagen by showing that it binds to the same interstitial structures that stain blue with Masson's trichrome in serial sections of a hypertrophic heart Fig. 10, which is published as supporting information on the PNAS web site ; . Increases in WGA lectin binding consequently provide a surrogate for increased fibrosis. Fig. 4D shows the WGA fluorescence pseudocolored blue ; of the same section whose Yb fluorescence yellow ; was shown in Fig. 4C. Comparison of these two images clearly demonstrates that the distribution of increased WGA staining coincides remarkably well with the distribution of the cells reexpressing YFP -MHC. Thus, YFP -MHC-expressing cells surround or are included within areas of increased WGA stain. Indeed the areas of fibrosis can be predicted from the clustering of yellow cells or vice versa. Fig. 5 AC illustrates high-magnification confocal images that show markedly increased interstitial fibrosis surrounding myocytes expressing YFP -MHC Fig. 5 AC, areas encircled by solid ovals ; but not around neighboring areas that do not express YFP -MHC Fig. 5 AC, areas encircled by dashed ovals ; . Similar correlation is also seen in Yb homozygous animals animals harboring two copies of the YFP -MHC fusion allele ; made hypertrophic by aortic banding data not shown ; . We next quantified the association between YFP -MHC expression and fibrosis. Confocal images of left ventricle from a 6-month-old Yb RenTg animal were digitally dissected into fibrotic and nonfibrotic areas, and fibrosis mean WGA pixel intensity ; and the YFP expression mean YFP pixel intensity ; of each area were quantified. Fig. 5D.

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Girl. I've seen a good many girls take music lessons in my time, but I ain't seen one that took to it so. Wunsch said so, too. She's got the making of something in her." "I don't deny that, and the sooner she gets at it in businesslike way, the better. She's the kind that takes responsibility, and it'll be good for her." Mrs. Kronborg was thoughtful. "In some ways it will, maybe. But there's a good deal of strain about teaching youngsters, and she's always worked so hard with the scholars she has. I've often listened to her pounding it into 'em. I don't want to work her too hard. She's so serious that she's never had what you might call any real childhood. Seems like she ought to have the next few years sort of free and easy. She'll be tied down with re- sponsibilities soon enough." Mr. Kronborg patted his wife's arm. "Don't you believe it, mother. Thea is not the marrying kind. I've watched 'em. Anna will marry before long and make a good wife, but I don't see Thea bringing up a family. She's got a good deal of her mother in her, but she hasn't got all. She's too peppery and too.

Table 3 Measurement of birefringence distribution of Z-cut LN wafers 0.5mm thick, 632.8nm ; using an automatic birefringence evaluation system ABR-10a by Uniopt and thiothixene. The NRA has enthusiastically quoted Sanford Levinson's similar defense of the Second Amendment: "[T]o take rights seriously . [means] that one will honor them even when there is significant social cost in doing so." Id. at 110 n.233 alterations in original ; . Sanford Levinson utterly ignores the vast case law arrayed against his favorable nod to the gun lobby's reading of the "right to bear arms." Id. at 139. Levinson provides a cursory overview of the Second Amendment text and surrounding history, relying on the usual secondary materials that the NRA finds so appealing. Id. at 140. Like the gun lobby, Levinson strips these materials of important context, advancing the ball "by manipulating his supporting material so as to exclude that which would cast doubt on the existence of a broad individual right." Id. Amar addresses the Second Amendment in two articles, Bill of Rights, supra note 13, at 1164; and Fourteenth Amendment, supra note 13, at 1205-11, 1261-62. Gun Crazy cites only Bill of Rights. Gun Crazy, supra note 7, at 62 n.12.

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To the tune of , 500, and the senior Bush was soon to become president. It was also in January of 1988 that the Tucson Herpetological Society "published" its first ever newsletter. Although one could argue it wasn't a newsletter at all, but rather just a meeting announcement. It was one page in length and painstakingly `pasted' together- literally! Using scissors, a typewriter, and a Xerox machine, the unnamed newsletter was realized. Fortunately Tucson was receptive to the thought of a local "herp society" and not long after the first issue, the newsletter had a name- Sonoran Herpetologist. During the first few years the "SH" evolved into more than a few different morphs. It wasn't until roughly 5 years into its existence that it took on its current appearance. And now 10 years later the SH is changing again. In an effort to improve and enhance the artistic and aesthetic quality as well as the readability of our journal, the SH editorial committee agreed to give the SH a facelift. In this issue 16 5 ; 2003 ; , we've implemented these changes as you'll see ; . In addition to our design changes, Ed Moll will be introducing us to a new regular feature entitled "Patronyms of the Pioneer West". In this feature Ed will educate us on the pioneers for whom the Western herps were named. With this first extended ; installment, Ed describes the life and times of John Xantus, the man who was the namesake of the nightlizards. We hope you'll enjoy these changes and encourage all your comments. Erik Enderson Editor and thorazine.
Mal3 with Myc epitope was performed using the nourseothricin-resistance gene as a selectable marker mal3 + -myc-natr ; as previously described Sato et al., 2005 ; . Isolation of cin mutants A parental strain KZ2, Table 1 ; , which contains minichromosome Ch16 Niwa et al., 1989 ; and Bub1-GFP was mutagenized with nitrosoguanidine as previously described Radcliffe et al., 1998 ; , spread on rich YE5S plates and incubated at 27C. Colonies were replica-plated onto YE5S at 36C and YE plates rich medium lacking exogenously added supplements ; at 32C, on which cells that had lost Ch16 turned red because of the chromosomal ade6-210 mutation Niwa et al., 1989 ; . Upon this procedure, colonies that were ts and also displayed red or sectored appearance on YE plates were selected. 221 isolates out of 500, 000 mutagenized colonies showed both minichromosome-loss and ts phenotypes. Upon backcrossing with a marker strain containing Ch16 ; , 39 mutants showed co-segregation of minichromosome loss and ts phenotypes. These 39 mutants were subsequently classified into 31 complementation groups. Among these isolates, mutations in 10 complementation groups cin1- cin10 ; showed hypersensitivity to thiabendazole TBZ ; compared to a wild type strain Wang et al., 2005, Supplementary Table 1 ; . Nucleic acids preparation and manipulation Enzymes were used as recommended by the suppliers New England Biolabs, Takara Shuzo Co. and Stratagene Co. ; . Identification of cin3 as -tubulin-encoding atb2 The genomic library was introduced into ts cin3-983 cells and Ts + transformants were isolated by replica plating. Whole DNAs were prepared from these transformants and plasmid DNAs were recovered via transformation into E. coli, which yielded in total 97 plasmids. DNA sequencing and restriction enzyme mapping of these plasmids.

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The trial. The other side of this argument is that the creation of an adverse inference from the right to silence may actually create a positive incentive for the police to concoct silence. It has also been argued that the right to silence during interrogation by police can be offset by other safeguards which provide adequate protection for suspects and address the power imbalance between suspect and police. Some of these safeguards include access to legal services or an independent observer during police questioning or electronic recording of the interview. While legal advisors more likely advise suspects to remain silent, research illustrates that this frequently forms part of a temporary strategy, including obtaining better disclosure of the accusations from the police. A weakness to this argument is the assumption that access to legal advice and other safeguards remove any legitimate reasons an innocent suspect might otherwise have for preferring to remain silent. Another weakness in this argument is illustrated by research conducted in England that shows that the quality of advice and representation is often disappointing. In juvenile cases where a parent, guardian or social worker can be present during questioning, research shows that they provide little assistance or guidance to the suspect. Furthermore, electronically recording the interview does not remove the many legitimate reasons which innocent suspects may have for remaining silent during police interrogation. The review by the Victorian Committee points out that when the United Kingdom modified the right to remain silent, this took place as one of a number of legislative changes that introduced other safeguards for suspects, including the legal aid duty solicitor scheme and electronically recorded interviews. The Committee cited the lack of publicly funded right to free legal advice in Victoria as a hindrance for introducing a modified right to silence. Another argument for reform is that there is the need to regulate the use made of silence by juries. Where juries become aware that the defendant refused to answer police questions, the argument is that there is a real risk that they will place too much weight on the defendant's silence unless they are guided by judicial direction as to the inferences which can be drawn. However, it is one thing what a jury may infer, given no help from the court. It is another thing when a court solemnizes the silence of the accused into evidence against him. There are a number of arguments for retaining the right to silence. One such argument is that there are many legitimate reasons for exercising this right, which are consistent with innocence. For example, suspects may distrust the police and fear that police will trick them into answering questions or distort their answers or harass potential defence witnesses. Suspects may be reluctant to repeat an explanation given to police informally which was disbelieved. Innocent suspects may have a desire to protect others or fear being labeled a police informant or fear reprisal by the offender. Suspects may want to conceal something unrelated to the crime which is personally embarrassing or something that they are ashamed of or to conceal illegal behavior, which is not under investigation. Suspects may be in shock and confusion at police accusations and tiagabine.

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Is light-stimulated translocation a motor-driven process? The mechanism of arrestin translocation, whether it is diffusion based with different binding partners in the ROS and RIS or a motor-assisted process, remains unresolved. Originally, lightstimulated translocation of arrestin was hypothesized to be a passive process, with arrestin localizing to the outer segments in light-adapted eyes based on its affinity for activated, phosphorylated rhodopsin R * P ; .3 This hypothesis was brought into question by studies using transgenic mice in which the rhodopsin could not be phosphorylated, thus precluding the formation of arrestin's high-affinity binding partner, yet arrestin still translocated normally.6, 7 However, a recent study notes that arrestin retains a moderate affinity for activated rhodopsin that is not phosphorylated R * ; and presents evidence that this form of rhodopsin is sufficient to provide a binding sink for arrestin in light-adapted outer segments.28 Further, this study analyzed the rate of diffusion of GFP in rods, showing that equilibrium could be reached between the inner and outer segments in less than 3 minutes, thus concluding that the light-driven translocation of arrestin could be explained by arrestin's affinity for R * and R * P in the outer segments of light adapted rods, and by its affinity for microtubules in the inner segments of dark-adapted rods. Our results can be partially fit into this proposed model. We show a significant reduction in the return of arrestin to the inner segments in the presence of thiabendazole which depolymerizes the inner segment microtubules see Fig. 7 ; . Further, the localization of GFP tagged with the C-terminal 45 amino acids of arrestin to the inner segments of dark-adapted rods could be explained if the C terminus of arrestin, a strongly acidic region, is responsible for conferring an affinity for microtubules. However, the two-sink hypothesis does not completely explain all aspects of our data. For example, our results show that thiabendazole treatment has two effects on arrestin translocation, not only slowing the movement of arrestin to the inner segments during dark adaptation, but also slowing the dispersion of arrestin throughout the outer segments during light adaptation see Figs. 5E, 5H ; . Perturbing the microtubules should have no effect on the translocation during light adaptation if arrestin were simply binding to R * or Similarly, arrestins that are truncated by approximately 30 amino acids also disperse more slowly in light-adapted outer segments Fig. 8K and Ref. 28 ; . A diffusion-mediated process should not be affected by these truncations. Finally, both our results and.

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