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The laboratory. J Clin Pathol 66, 653-657 1976 ; . 7. Veith R, Perera C. Tricyclic antidepressanta.Engi J Med 300, N 504 1979 ; . Letter. 8. Kessler KM, Leech, Robin CC, Spann JF. Blood collection techniques, heparin and quinindine binding. Clin Pharmacol Ther 25, 204-210 1979 ; . 9. Fremstad D, Bergrud K. Plasma protein binding of drugs as influenced by blood collection methods. Acta Pharmacol Toxicol 39, 570-572 1976 ; . Letter. 10. Brog 0, Piafsky KM, Nilsen 00. Plasma bindingof basic drugs. Return to full-time student status. If the PEIA, in consultation with the medical director of the TPA-C, determines the diagnosis does not warrant continuous coverage under this provision, proper notice terminating the student status will be forwarded to the insured. The medical leave of absence is reviewed after a twelve-month period to verify if the dependent qualifies for a disability. If not, then COBRA election must occur for coverage to continue. Students, who voluntarily withdraw from school or have a lapse of coverage and later re-enroll as a fulltime student, may be reinstated for health benefit coverage; in this case, student health benefit coverage will become effective the first day of the month following the date of enrollment in the Plan and may be subject to pre-existing condition limitations. Working Families Tax Relief Act WFTRA ; of 2004 As a result of the Working Families Tax Relief Act WFTRA ; of 2004, the federal IRS has changed the way it treats children under the tax code. This change may affect you if you pay your health and life insurance premiums pre-tax through a Section 125 premium conversion plan. The IRS has developed a new definition for "qualified child" and "qualified relative." If you have dependents, they must meet one of these definitions to qualify for you to pay your premiums on a pre-tax basis. In nearly all circumstances, if your dependent meets PEIA eligibility criteria, they will also meet one of these federal definitions. The new definitions are as follows: A "qualifying child" QC ; is a child who: o o o has a specific, family-type relationship to the employee-taxpayer. Resides with the employee in his her household for more than half of the tax year with certain exemptions such as "temporary absences" if a full-time student ; . Is under age 19 and not a full-time student under age 24 if a full-time student ; as of the end of the calendar in which the employee's taxable year begins. There is no age requirement if a child is child is permanently and totally disabled.
Equilibrium bindingof human a-thrombin to heparin thrombin-proteinase reactions involves the binding of antiwas investigated at pH 7.4 as a function of thrombin thrombin to a unique pentasaccharide sequence in the heparin and heparin concentrations, NaCl concentration, tem- molecule 3-9 ; , which results in a conformational change in perature, and heparin chain length with the extrinsic inhibitor 10, ll ; . The the specific heparin pentasaccharide is fluorescence probe, p-aminobenzamidine, or by quan- alone sufficient to enhance the rate of inactivation of some titative affinity chromatography, in order to distinproteinases, such as factor Xa, whereas for other proteinases, guish between sequence-specific and nonspecific elec- such as thrombin, not only the pentasaccharide but also an trostatic modes of binding. Analysisof binding data by additional -13 saccharide residues are required for a signifia nonspecific binding model developed for proteincant heparin rate enhancement 4, 6, 12-14 ; . These observaor nucleic acid interactions, by the discrete binding site tions have been interpreted to mean that only antithrombin model previously used to analyze the thrombin-heparin interaction, indicated that both models described the binding to heparin is required to accelerate factor Xa of tion, whereas the binding of antithrombin together with the thrombin binding densities accessible to measurement. proteinase to heparin is necessary for heparin enhancement However, the strongdependence of the thrombin-hep- of thrombin inhibition. This conclusion is supported by: 1 ; the correspondence between the heparin chain length required arin bindinginteraction on NaCl concentration, its minimal dependence on temperature, and the increase to accelerate the thrombin-antithrombin reaction and that in apparent binding affinity with increasing heparin necessary to form a ternary complex in which thrombin and oligosaccharide chain length were best accounted for antithrombin are both bound to heparin 15 2 ; the progresby a nonspecific electrostatic association of thrombin sive loss in heparin rate enhancement for the thrombin, but with 5 to 6 anionic residues contained a 3-disaccha- not the factor Xareaction, at high concentrations of the in ride binding site heparin. This interaction was charof polysaccharide in a manner consistent with antithrombin and acterized by an intrinsic dissociation constant &, obs ; proteinase binding to separate heparin chains 7-9, 12, 16of p~ at physiological ionic strength. Although 18 and 3 ; the selective elimination of heparin's accelerating the nonspecific binding model satisfactorily described effect on the thrombin-antithrombin reaction by chemical the binding of thrombin to heparin chains ranging in modification of basic residues of thrombin presumably insize from 3 to -13 disaccharides in terms of a single volved in heparin binding 19, 20 ; . Based on this evidence, it intrinsic deviations this from model were aphas been postulated that the conformational change induced parent with longer heparin chains -22 to -35 disac- in antithrombin by binding to heparin makes antithrombin a charides ; from a progressive decrease in the intrinsic better inhibitor of factor Xa, whereas heparin enhances antiKD, obs up to 4-fold. Sedimentation equilibrium anal- thrombin inhibition of thrombin by approximation of the of yses of thrombin-heparin complexes suggested a secinhibitor and proteinase on the heparin surface. ond weakerbinding site on thrombinforheparin, Other investigators have suggested, however, that heparin which accounted for these deviations as well as the activation of antithrombin by an induced conformational observed insolubility of thrombin-heparin complexes change could suffice to explain heparin acceleration of all a t high thrombin binding densities. proteinase reactions. Thus, thenecessity for a longer heparin chain to accelerate thrombin inhibition has been rationalized by the larger heparin chain neutralizing positive charge in the The anticoagulant activity of the glycosaminoglycan hepa- proteinase-binding domain of antithrombin which otherwise rin derives from its ability to accelerate the inactivation of would result in an unfavorable interaction with the cationic blood coagulation proteinases by their primary inhibitoranti- thrombin, but not theanionic factor Xa 21 ; . Larger heparin thrombin I11 for reviews, see Refs. 1 and 2 ; . An important chains have also been suggested to induce a further conforfeature of the mechanism by which heparin accelerates anti- mational change in antithrombin which is necessary to promote a greater rate of reaction with thrombin 12, 22, 23 ; . * This work was supported by Grants HL-39888 from the National However, the observation that the extent the antithrombin of Institutes of Health to S. T Established Investigatorship of conformational change can be altered by chemical modificathe American Heart Association to S. T. and Swedish Medical Research Council Grant 4212 to I.B. ; . The costs of publication of tion without affecting heparin enhancement of the thrombinthis article were defrayed in part by the payment of page charges. antithrombin reaction rate hasargued against the antithromThis article must therefore be hereby marked "advertisement" in bin conformational change contributing significantly to hepaccordance with 18 U.S.C. Section 1734 solely to indicate this fact. arin acceleration of this reaction 24 ; . 3 whom correspondence should be addressed Div. of BiochemRapid kinetic studies have shown that heparin acceleration ical Res., EducationandResearch Bldg., Rm. 3126, HenryFord Hospital, 2799 W. Grand Blvd., Detroit, MI 48202. Tel.: 313-876- of the antithrombin-thrombin reaction results mainly from heparin binding to antithrombin promoting the binding of 3196.

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Meijer GUE NGL ; , schriftelijk. - Vrijhandel is mr dan het wegnemen van grenzen of een eind maken aan ouderwets protectionisme. Het betekent vooral dat de prijs van een product belangrijker wordt dan alle andere overwegingen. Wie het goedkoopst kan leveren wint de markt, en verdrijft de duurdere producenten. Met steeds lagere transportkosten kan men iedere goedkope grondstof en ieder goedkoop eindproduct overal vandaan slepen. De concurrentie wordt gedwongen te kiezen tussen goedkoper leveren of tenonder gaan. Voorstanders van dit mechanisme roepen dat het producenten vindingrijk en doelmatig maakt, en dat de consument ervan profiteert. Daarom zou er een onbeperkte concurrentie moeten komen, uiteindelijk liefst op wereldschaal. Toch zijn er goede redenen om meer productiekosten te maken en die productie te beschermen tegen goedkopere concurrenten. Zulke redenen zijn: veiligheid op het werk, een behoorlijke betaling aan de werknemers, uitsluiten van kinderarbeid, goede regionale spreiding van werkgelegenheid, zorg voor het milieu, vermijden van dierenkwelling, tegengaan van onnodig verkeer, het leveren van voorzieningen die binnen de logica van de markt geen winst opleveren maar wel nuttig en wenselijk zijn. Dat is een taak voor de democratisch gekozen overheid, maar WTO.
Clinical history, two or more positive skin tests to common aeroallergens, and a mean eosinophil count in peripheral blood of 5.8% range, 214% ; . Mean forced expiratory volume in one second FEV1 ; was 79.8% of the predicted range, 70 85% ; , and the geometric mean provocation concentration of inhaled histamine required to reduce FEV1 by 20% was 3.5 mg ml range, 0.1316 ; . All asthmatic patients were using inhaled 2 agonists as required, and one patient was receiving low dose inhaled fluticasone 250 g twice daily ; , but none was receiving systemic corticosteroids, theophyline, cromones, or leukotriene modifiers. Peripheral blood eosinophils were immunomagnetically purified as previously described 41 ; . Briefly, 100 ml of blood was collected into tubes with lithium heparin and was diluted with an equal volume of PBS containing 2% heat-inactivated FCS. Diluted blood was carefully layered in 25-ml aliquots onto isotonic Percoll 15 ml; density, 1.082 g ml ; and was centrifuged at 400 g for 30 min at room temperature. Following centrifugation, the upper layer containing mononuclear cells was discarded, and the erythrocyte pellet containing the polymorphonuclear cells PMN ; was carefully removed. Red cells were lysed with reverse osmosis water 400 ml for 45 s ; , and 49 mM sodium chloride 400 ml ; was used to return the cell suspension to isotonicity. The resulting PMN were washed with PBS FCS 180 g for 5 min ; , and red cell lysis was repeated if required. PMN were incubated for 30 min at 4C in PBS FCS with 100 l of microbeads directed against Fc RIII CD16 ; . PMN were then layered onto a magnetic cell separation column type C and placed inside a strong magnetic field. Unlabeled eosinophils were eluted with 25 ml of PBS FCS, whereas magnetically labeled neutrophils were retained on the column. This procedure resulted in total yields of 1 8 million viable eosinophils as counted with a Neubauer hemocytometer Fisher Scientific, Loughborough, U.K. ; , with a purity of 98 99% as assessed by Kimura and Diff-Quik staining and by immunostaining for eosinophil cationic protein detected with the EG2 mAb Pharmacia Biosystems, Milton Keynes, U.K. ; as described below. The remaining cells were neutrophils.

Heparin dosage calculator

Cont. ; as needed ; . 9. Baclofen : 0 mg Tablet Sig: One 1 ; Tablet PO T"D 3 times a day ; . 10. Heparin odium Porcine ; 5, 000 unit mL Solution sig: One 1 ; injection Infection TID 3 times a day ; 11. Senna 8. mg Tablet Sig: One 1 ; Tablet PO BID 2 times a day ; as needcti12. Bisacody] 5 mg Tablet, Delayed Release B.C. ; Sig: Two 2 ; Tablet, Delated Release E.c. ; PO DAILY Daily ; ae needed. 13. Acetamincphen 325 mg Tablet Sig: 1-2 Tablets PO Q4-6H every 4 to 6 hours ; ae needed. 14. Morphine Sulfate B mg mL Syringe Sig: 2-4 mg Injection Q4H every 4 hours ; as needed for pain. 15. Triamcinclone Acetonide 0.025 % Ointment Sig: One 1 ; Appl Topical BID 2 times a day ; . Discharge Disposition: Extended Care Facility; Spaulding Reb abilitation Hospital - Boston and hepsera. And it was a very high-risk investment." Gabriela used her own money to develop the company and did not have a job or a steady income at that point. "I had to support myself until I had developed a business plan and product concept. It was very difficult, " she says. During this time, Gabriela had support from Targeting Innovation at Scottish Enterprise Glasgow, the Business Growth Fund, and from the Scottish Enterprise National High Growth Unit, which introduced her to Tom Brock, Director of the Emerging Business Team at Bank of Scotland, who she approached to match the SMART award funding. "This loan was vital, " says Gabriela. Barbara McDonald, Gabriela's Relationship Manager in the Emerging Business Team, says she had confidence in the potential of Gabriela's proposal. "The high-growth potential of the company meant we were keen to be involved from the outset in supporting this emerging business, " says Barbara. "Not only is Gabriela highly regarded in her specialised field, she also exhibits the necessary drive and determination to make the company a true wealth creator of the future." The Bank's understanding of the industry was pivotal to securing the financial backing. "Centeo Biosciences is a high-technology start-up and, as such, has different needs from other businesses. We need to spend time and resources supporting these very specialised companies." A year on and Centeo Biosciences is close to completing the TGRID prototype, and the company is in a very strong position to raise further investment. This will take the business to the next level, allowing the manufacture of the product. Gabriela's success is due, in part, to her character. She is a determined individual and confesses to being very stubborn. "I think that helps a lot, " she says. "You need a lot of energy to keep going; you need to be self-motivated." But most of all, Gabriela says, it is important to trust yourself and remain focused. "I had to prove myself and I think I have done that now." BF. Florida Statutes, does not require that all reference listed drug products be therapeutically equivalent to one another. The and herceptin.

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Reduces the need for oxygen. Side effects may include headache, nausea, weakness, dizziness, or edema. Depending on the severity of illness, additional drugs and oxygen treatment may be necessary. Always ask your health care provider for written information on dosages, scheduling, side effects, and precautions for all medications. As catheter-related bloodstream infections that recur despite optimal aseptic catheter maintenance [10, 23, 25]. Figure 1 presents an algorithm for the approach to catheter-related infections according to current guidelines as outlined above [10, 17, 22, 23, Thromboembolic complications. Another major long-term problem of catheter use in cancer patients is thromboembolic complications. Both infection and thrombosis may lead to significant morbidity and impairment of patients' quality of life. Cancer patients are in general at increased risk of venous thrombosis [33], and placement of a catheter or venous port system further increases this risk. Increased venous stasis, endothelial injury, prothrombotic effects of malignancy and chemotherapy itself are among the factors implicated as causes of thrombosis in cancer patients. Catheter-associated thrombosis manifests itself either as thrombosis of the vein in which the catheter is situated or as an occlusion of the catheter lumen. Venous thrombosis may be asymptomatic or present with ipsilateral arm or neck pain and swelling. Thrombotic occlusion of the catheter lumen may be partial or complete; it may cause restrictions of the catheter's utility and be a starting point for infections or vice versa [34]. The incidence of catheter-associated thrombosis in cancer patients varies considerably between studies and patient or cancer type Table 2 ; . Four prospective studies of catheter-associated thrombosis in patients with solid tumours and haematological malignancies report rates of thromboembolic events between 37% and 66% [3538]. The incidence of catheter-associated thrombosis in retrospective studies varies even more widely 12% to 64% ; [3943]. Table 3, adapted from Agnelli and Verso [8], shows different clinical trials of thrombosis prophylaxis in cancer patients with central venous catheters. In one trial conducted by Monreal et al., cancer patients with central venous catheters were randomized to either low molecular weight heparin once daily for 90 days or no prophylaxis. One of 16 patients in the heparin group 6% ; and eight of 13 patients in the control group 62% ; developed a thromboembolic event P 0.002 ; [38]. Similarly, Bern et al. showed a benefit of the use of 1 mg warfarin for 90 days in cancer patients with central venous catheters. Four out of 42 patients 9.5% ; in the warfarin group and 15 of 40 patients 37.5% ; in the control group developed thrombosis P 0.001 ; [35]. In the majority of patients, there was no increased risk of bleeding associated with warfarin or low molecular weight heparin. According to these two studies, cancer patients with central catheters should routinely receive thromboprophylaxis. Yet the fact that in some patients the prothrombin time was excessively prolonged due to the concurrent use of chemotherapeutic drugs was not separately discussed. Furthermore, neither of the trials was placebo-controlled or double-blind and both analysed only a small number of patients. Recently, three study groups tried to answer the question of thromboprophylaxis with two prospective, double-blind, placebo-controlled trials. In one trial by Verso et al., 310 patients received either low molecular weight heparin for 6 weeks or placebo. Thrombosis was diagnosed by phlebography in 14.1% in the heparin group compared with and hms.

Heparin units ml

Peter Hill is a Wellcome Trust Clinical Research Fellow in Renal Medicine at Imperial College London, Hammersmith. He graduated from University College London in 1995 and was a SHO in London. He was a Specialist Registrar in Nephrology in Oxford between 1999 and 2003 and is currently at the Hammersmith investigating the role of Hypoxia Inducible Factor in renal disease.

Site F Synthetic Peptide: The overall strategy of these studieswas to prepare peptide 3371 fragments of apoB-100, to separateheparin-binding frag- 3352 ments by heparin-Sepharose affinity chromatography, to termine the structure of the heparin-binding fragments, and FIG.3. Synthetic peptides containing basic residues boxed ; to determine the relative heparin binding affinities of the in heparin-binding sites E and F. fragments. Two cleavage methods of differing specificity were chosen to avoid the possibility that one of the methods would preparative SDS-PAGE, and the isolated peptides shown in cleave within a heparin-binding region and destroy its hepa- lanes I, 2, 4-6, and 8 of Fig. 1B yielded sequence information rin-binding properties, thereby allowing the site to go unde- that allowed positioning of these fragments in the apoB-100 tected. The first method was a chemical cleavage with cyan- structure. The structure and placement of the isolated fragments ogen bromide at methionine residues of apoB-100; the second method involved enzymatic cleavage of LDL particles at within the deduced apoB-100 sequence 19-21 ; were established by amino-terminal sequence analysis in combination glutamic acid residues with S. aureus V-8 protease. Cyanogen bromide digestion of apoB-100 resulted in a large with the estimated molecular weight of the fragment, as number of fragments with molecular weights ranging from determined by SDS-PAGE, andthe specificity of the cleavage A. 5, 000 to 40, 000 Fig. l ; Because apoB-100 contains 78 method. The results of the fragment analysis are summarized methionine residues 19-21 ; , a complete digest would be ex- in Fig. 2, with the S. aureus V-8 protease fragments indicated pected to contain at least 79 fragments, not counting trypto- by an asterisk. Cyanogen bromide fragments of different phan cleavages and partial fragments. Approximately 15-20% lengths in the same region are the result of incomplete digesof the total digest bound to the affinity column. The peptide tion. In some instances, more than one peptide was contained pattern of the heparin-Sepharose-bound fragments was much within a given purified band. However, it was possible to less complex than that of the total digest approximately 12 determine the individual sequences because of the known major peptide bands ; , indicatingthat theaffinity column was sequence of apoB-100 19-21 ; . A sufficient number of seselective Fig. lA ; . Our approach was to isolate and charac- quence cycles were performed to allow unequivocal positionterize as many of the heparin-binding fragments as possible. ing of the amino terminus of each fragment. It should be The fragments were isolated by preparative SDS-PAGE; these emphasized that the assignment of the carboxyl terminus isolated fragments Fig. l A , lanes 1-9 ; represented the major relied heavily on the SDS-PAGE estimate of the molecular peptides in the bound fraction. In addition to the nine frag- weight; hence, it should be regarded as a best estimate rather ments shown in Fig. lA , six more cyanogen bromide fragments than a definitive one. In one case the cyanogen bromide were sequenced four were isolated from the group of frag- fragment beginning at residue 3308, Fig. 2 ; , we have not ments shown inFig. L4 with molecular weights less than assigned a carboxyl terminus because of evidence of glycosyl10, 000. ation of this fragment. During sequence analysis of this fragDigestion of apoB-100 on LDL with S. aureus V-8 protease ment, no signal was detected at the potential N-glycosylation also resulted in a complex mixture of fragments. In this case, sites at residues 3309 and 3331; therefore, there is some the molecular weights ranged from 5, 000 to 50, 000 Fig. 1B ; . question regarding the molecular weight of this fragment. Although the affinity-purified fraction contained asomewhat Sixteen heparin-binding cyanogen bromide fragments and simpler mixture that was enriched in several peptides, this seven S. aureus V-8 fragments were identified and positioned mixture was more complex than the bound fraction from in the apoB-100 sequence. As shown in Fig. 2, the fragments cyanogen bromide digestion. The fragments were purified by form six nonoverlapping sets. Within one set residues 5 and humalog.

Babies heparin error

Aims The safety and efficacy of abciximab in addition to low-molecular-weight-heparin as the primary medical treatment of acute coronary syndromes has not previously been investigated. Methods and Results The GUSTO IVACS trial included 7800 patients with chest pain and either ST-segment depression or a positive troponin test. They were randomized to abciximab for 24 h, 48 h placebo. In the dalteparin substudy, 974 patients received 5 days of s.c. dalteparin, instead of a 48 infusion of unfractionated heparin UFH ; . Major and minor bleedings were more frequent for abciximab 24 and 48 h combined ; than placebo both in the dalteparin abciximab 50% vs placebo 18% P 005 ; and in the UFH cohort 38% vs 18% P 0001 ; . However, stroke rates were low, c06%. At 30 days there were no significant differences in the rate of [6] M. Grillakis, Regularity and asymptotic behaviour of the wave equation with a critical nonlinearity, Ann. Math. 132 1990 ; , 485509. [7] B. Green and T. Tao, The primes contain arbitrarily long arithmetic progressions, to appear in Ann. Math. [8] T. Gowers, A new proof of Szemerdi's theorem, Geom. Funct. Anal. 11 2001 ; , 465588. [9] B. Green and T. Tao, Linear equations in primes, to appear in Ann. Math. [10] A. Knutsen and T. Tao, The honeycomb model of GLn C ; tensor products 1, Proof of the saturation conjecture, J. AMS 12 1999 ; , 10551090 and humira. Qureshi 1991 ; has described a process for the stabilization of the tocotrinols, tocopherols and tocotrienollike compounds in plant tissue and a means of recovering these. Oats are among the plant materials of choice. This family of compounds is found in the deodoriser distillate resulting from the refining of the oil component of the plant material. This patent included claims for these compounds in a pharmaceutical formulation for the treatment of hypocholesterolemia in humans, but no specific evidence was put forward. Title: Patent Number: Inventor s ; : Polydextrose as a fat absorption inhibitor in fried foods WO 9841114 KILIBWA M. US. Over, M, Heywood, P. et.al. HIV AIDS Treatment and Prevention in India: Modelling the Cost and Consequences. The World Bank, 2004 and hyaluronan. Tunisia Cost of 1 hospital cleaner: US$ 240300 per month. France Average cost of health-care waste management according to European Union quality standards: US$ 13 per bed per day Personnel required: 1 cleaner per 30 beds, 1 waste operator per 175 beds All-inclusive personnel costs: US$ 28 000 per operator per year Supplies costs: -- plastic bags: US$ 0.20.6 each -- small sharps containers: US$ 2 each and heparin.
The fact that most studies are comparisons between active agents eg LMWH vs. UFH ; and that, in many cases, an uncontrolled use of background agents eg aspirin vs. placebo in hip fracture, with patients receiving prophylactic heparin ; is reported, limits this assessment. However, what is described is a current, objective, evidence-based summary of the efficacy and safety of different methods of VTE prevention. Summary tables are provided starting on page 39, offering an indication of the strength and volume of evidence for each intervention. Where individual randomised trials and or meta-analysis have shown the effect, the volume of patients is shown as an order of magnitude and hydralazine.

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Action could be taken. The information was subsequently prepared for computer processing. Cochrane-MantelHaenzel statistic10 was used to determine if there was a significant trend over time in any of the study variables statistical significance accepted at the p 0.05 level ; . Results From 1975 to 1983, data were collected on 22, 986 infants, representing 76 per cent of all infants delivered at the hospital Table II ; . Prior to 1982, those not included were mainly cases delivered while the nurse was not on duty there was no funding for a replacement nurse ; . The nurse was assigned additional duties in 1982 and as a result saw a smaller proportion of the total deliveries. A further 0.3 per cent of the cases were excluded from the analysis due to coding or transcription errors leaving 22, 925 cases in the study. Forty-one per cent of the parturients in this period were primiparas. The proportion of mothers with preeclampsia was 11.5 per cent, diabetes mellitus 2.0 per cent, heart disease 0.9 per cent, Rh immunization 0.5 per cent and antepartum haemorrhage 4.2 per cent. The proportion of mothers in the study who had at least one antepartum medical condition was about 19 per cent Table II ; . These proportions did not change appreciably over time and reflect the tertiary referral nature of the hospital. Changes in type of delivery are seen in Figure 1. Spontaneous vaginal delivery as a proportion of all infants delivered fell from 56 per cent in 1975 to 48 per cent in 1979 but increased more recently to about 58 per cent of all infants delivered. Caesarean section rates increased from 11.5 per cent in 1975 to a high of 22 per cent in 1982; the rate has been declining since. The use of mid-forceps or vacuum decreased from ten per cent in. The Group, as a multinational business, operates in many countries and earns revenues and incurs costs in many currencies. The results of the Group, as reported in sterling, are therefore affected by movements in exchange rates between sterling and overseas currencies. Average exchange rates prevailing during the period are used to translate the results and cash flows of overseas subsidiary and associated undertakings and joint ventures into sterling. Period end rates are used to translate the net assets of those undertakings. The currencies which most influence these translations are the US dollar, the Euro and the Japanese Yen. In order to illustrate underlying performance, it is the Group's practice to discuss its results in terms of constant exchange rate CER ; growth. This represents growth calculated as if the exchange rates used to determine the results of overseas companies in sterling had remained unchanged from those used in the previous year. CER% represents growth at constant exchange rates. % represents growth at actual exchange rates. During the years 2000 to 2003, business performance was the primary performance measure used by management and was presented after excluding merger items, integration and restructuring costs and disposals of businesses. Management believes that exclusion of these items provides a better comparison of the way in which the business was managed and gives an indication of the performance of the Group in terms of those elements of revenue and expenditure which local management was able to influence. For 2004, with the completion of these programmes, the Group is reporting results on a statutory basis only. Growth rates are presented comparing 2004 results both with 2003 business performance results and 2003 statutory results. Management considers that the comparison of 2004 statutory results with 2003 business performance results gives the most appropriate indication of the Group's performance for the period under review and therefore commentaries are presented on this basis unless otherwise stated and hydrea.

Heparin medication calculations

Allen, R. C., Stjernholm, R. L., Steele, R. H. 1972 ; . Evidence for the generation of an electronic excitation state s ; in human polymorphonuclear leucocytes and its participation in bactericidal activity. Biochem. biophys Res. Commun. 47: 679-684 Anderson. R. S. 1977 ; . B~ochemistry and physiology of invertebrate macrophages in vitro. In: Bulla, L. A., Cheng, T C. eds. ; Comparative pathobiology. Vo1.3. Plenum Press, New York and London, p. 1-20 Babior, B. 51. 1978 ; . Oxygen-dependent microbial killing by phagocytes. New Engl. J. Med. 298: 659-668 Bachere, E., Chagot, D., Grizel, H. 1988 ; . Separation of Crassostrea gigas hemocytes by density gradient centrifugation a n d counterflow centrifugal elutriation. Devl comp. Irnmun. 12: 549-559 Bachere, E., Hervio, D., Mialhe, E. 1991 ; .Luminol-dependent chem~luminescence hernocytes of two marine bivalve by species, Ostrea edulis and Crassostrea gigas. Dis. aquat. Org. in press ; Bang, F. B. 1975 ; . Phagocytosis in invertebrates. In: Maramorosch. K., Shope, R. E. eds. ; Invertebrate immunity. Academic Press, New York, p. 137-151 B u c h nJ. S. 1978 ; . Cytological siudies or1 d new species of . rickettsia found in association with a phage in the digestive gland of the marine bivalve mollusc, TeUina tenuis da Costa ; . J. Fish Dis. 1: 2 7 Cornps, M., Raimbault, R. 1978 ; .Infection rickettsienne d e la glande digestive de Donax trunculus L. Sci. P6che 281: 11-12 De Chatelet, L. R., Long, G. O., Shirley, P. S., Bass, D. A., Thomas, M. J., Henderson, F. W., Cohen, M. S. 1982 ; . Mechanisms of the luminol-dependent chemilumlnescence of human neutrophils. J. Immunol. 129: 1589-1593 Dikkeboom, R., Tijnagel, J. M. G . H., Mulder, E. C., Van Der Knaap, W P. W. 1987 ; . Hemocytes of the pond snail Lymnaea stagnalis generate reactive forms of oxygen. J. Invertebr. Pathol. 49: 321-331 Dikkeboom, R., Van Der Knaap, W. P. W., Van Den Bovenkamp, W., Tijnagel, J . M. G. H., Bayne, C. J. 1988 ; . The production of toxic oxygen metabolites by hemocytes of different snail species. Devl comp. Immun. 12: 509-520 Glew, R. H. Czuczman, M. S., Diven, W F. Berens, R. L., Pope, M. T., Katsoulis, D . E. 1982 ; .Partial purification and characterization of particulate acid phosphatase of Leishmania donovani promastigotes. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 72B: 581-590 Gottlieb, M Dwyer, D. M. 1981 ; Leishrnania donovani: surface membrane acid phosphatase activity of promastigotes. Exp. Parasitol. 52: 117-128 Gulka, G , Chang, P. W., Marti, K A. 1983 ; . Procaryotic infection associated with a mass mortality of the sea scallop Placopecten magellanicus. J. Fish Dis. 6: 355-364 Klebanoff. S. J . 1968 ; . Myeloperoxidase-halide-hydrogen peroxlde antibacterial system. J. Bacteriol 95: 2131-2138 Klebanoff, S. J. 1982 ; . Oxygen-dependent cytotoxic mechanisms of phagocytes. In: Gallin, J. I., Fauci, A. S. eds. ; Advances in host defense mechanisms. Vol. l Raven Press, New York, p. 11 1-162 Larson, K. G., Roberson, B. S., Hetrick, F. M. 1989 ; . Effect of environmental pollutants o n the chemiluminescence of hernocytes from the American oyster Crassostrea virginica. DIS.aquat. Org. 6: 131-136 Le Gali. G., Bachhre, E., Mialhe, E., Grizel, H. 1989 ; . ZymoResponsible Subject Editor: A . K Sparks, SeatUe, Washington, USA and hepsera.

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TableA7 Percentages of households deriving selected percentages of their income from NTFP trade based on 6.2 ; 25% 50% 75% i.e. more than half of total income ; 0 0 0 and hydrocortisone.

This work was supported in part by the John S. Dunn Aesearch Foundation and the George Alfred Cook Memorial Fund

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