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Robert Vergez, Early Ukiyo-e master Okumura Masanobu, Tokyo: Kodansha International Ltd., 1983 p.38. 319 Ibid., p. 292. 320 Ibid., p. 146. 321 Ibid., p. 160. 322 Ibid., p. 336. 323 Ibid., p. 160. 324 Ibid., p. 148. 325 Bicknell, as in note 143, p. 102. 326 Giuseppe Zocchi, "Veduta di una parte di Firenze presa fuori della porta alla croce presso al fiume Arno", in his: Vedute di Firenze e della Toscana, Florence, 1744, TIII. I grateful to Andr Corboz for this reference. 327 Pavel Florenskij. La prospettiva rovesciata e altri scritti, a cura di Nicoletta Misler, Rome: Casa del libro editrice, 1983, p. 73: "La vivacit della discussione mi confermo ancora una volta che il problema dello spazio uno dei fondamentali in arte e, diro di piu, in una concezione del mondo in generale. Ma questo problema: lo spazio nell'arte figurativa, nel presente articolo non e esaminato e constituisce l'oggetto delle mie lezioni di analisi della prospettiva, in preparazione per la stampa, tenute negli anni 1921-1923." 328 Ibid., p. 117: "E dunque la prospettiva nella rappresentazione non assolutamente una propriet degli oggetti, come ritiene il naturalismo volgare, ma soltanto un mezzo di espressione simbolica, uno tra i possibili stili simbolici." 329 B. A. Uspenski, "Zur Untersuchung der Sprache alter Malerei" in: L. F. Shegin, Die Sprache des Bildes, Dresden: Verlag der Kunst, 1982, p. 7: "Andererseits ist auch eine entgegengesetzte Betrachtungsweise mglich, die man bedingt mit der Methode des Dechiffrierens vergleichen knnte. Bei dieser zweiten Art erwchst einem die Aufgabe, das spezifische System der Darstellungsweise in der alten Malerei zu rekonstruieren, das heisst die besondere Sprache zu entzifferen, die der alte Meister beherrschte und die offensichtlich auch dem zeitgenssischen Betrachter verstndlich war." 330 Ibid., p. 10: "Setzt man die Analogie mit der Sprache fort, dann ist es angebracht, die Bedingtheit eines beliebigen Perspektive-Systems hier mit dem konventionellen Charakter einer beliebigen Sprache zu vergleichen, die fr die bermittlung eines bestimmten Inhalts verwendet wird. Tatschlich gibt es Grund in der Annahme, das das System der linearen Perspektive gegenber andere Systemen nicht a priori in jeder Hinsicht als natrlicher fr den Menschen angesehen werden kann." 331 Alexandre Savrien, Histoire des progrs de l'esprit humain dans les sciences exactes, Paris: Chez Lacombe, 1766, p. aiijr: "Je ne crois pas qu'on puisse trouver dans un Livre, plus de vrits qu'en contient cette Histoire." 332 Savrien, 1766, 254: "construisit une machine avec laquelle il trouva la trace des rayons de lumiere." 333 Ibid., p. 254.
A question was asked to determine whether the demand or sales of medicinal plants varied during different seasons of the year. The main impression 69% ; was that there.
WARREN, NJ September 13, 2007--A network meta-analysis of 38 randomized controlled trials encompassing more than 18, 000 patients found that the mortality risks associated with drug-eluting stents and bare-metal stents are similarly low. This analysis, the largest of its kind to date comparing drug-eluting stents the CYPHER Sirolimus-eluting Coronary Stent and the Taxus Stent ; to bare-metal stents, appears this week in the medical journal The Lancet. The analysis also found a substantial reduction in the risk of myocardial infarction heart attack ; and reintervention with the CYPHER Stent when compared to bare-metal stents and the Taxus Stent, and no significant differences in the rates of stent thrombosis blood clots ; between the CYPHER Stent and bare-metal stents. The data from this analysis also identified a significant decrease in the risk of blood clots occurring more than 30 days after stent implantation with the CYPHER Stent compared to the Taxus Stent. "This large set of data indicates that the mortality associated with drug-eluting stents and baremetal stents is comparable. Recent concerns about increases in mortality associated with drugeluting stents are not supported by this analysis assessing long-term outcomes, " stated Dr Christoph Stettler, M.D., from the University of Bern, Switzerland, one of the authors of the study. Dr. Stettler is with the Department of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Clinical Nutrition there. In addition, the corresponding author, Dr. Peter Juni, M.D., stated that, "These results have also led us to conclude that the CYPHER Stent is clinically superior to bare-metal stents and the Taxus Stent when the safety and effectiveness outcomes in this analysis are taken into account." Dr. Juni is Head of Division, Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics, University of Bern in Switzerland. Funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation, this network meta-analysis was designed to compare the safety and effectiveness of bare-metal stents, the CYPHER Stent and the Taxus Stent in a large patient population to increase the ability to detect and understand low frequency events, such as death and stent thrombosis. It included data up to four years of follow-up. The safety outcomes comprised mortality death ; , myocardial infarction and Academic Research.
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As ranges, and not specifically associated with resultant effects. Patients ingesting tablets tended to have higher salicylate concs than patients ingesting topical medicines, but the 2 highest levels observed were in patients with topical ingestions. Conclusions: The toxic potential of topical salicylate containing medicines should be appreciated by physicians Methods: The records of all acute poisoning patients patients, over a 18 month period, at one Hong Kong hospital in whom a salicylate conc was performed were reviewed retrospectively. Results: 347 patients were identified age range 14-90 y.o. ; . In 83 patients, salicylate ingestion was suspected. 39 of these had elevated salicylate concs 0.1 mmol L and of these, 8 had levels 2.0 mmol L. In the other 264 patients in whom salicylate ingestion was not suspected, 3 had elevated salicylate concs. Their levels ranged from 0.2-0.4 mmol L. Of the 42 patients overall with elevated salicylate concs, their clinical features and management are summarized at left. Ingestion doses and specific products not reported. Conclusions: Routine salicylate screening in all poisoned patients appears unnecessary unless suspected clinically Methods: Retrospective review of all cases of salicylate poisoning admitted over an 11 yr period. 2204 cases were identified. Those cases which were fatal or in which salicylate concs exceeded.
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[3] A. Hardy, On the number of clusters, Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, l 23 ; , 1996, 8396. [4] J.A. Hartigan and M.A. Wong, A -means clustering algorithm. Applied Statistics 28, 1979, 100108. [5] Z. Huang, Extension to the -means algorithm for clustering large data sets with categorical values, Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, 2 3 ; , 1998, 283304. [6] T. Ishioka, Extended -means with an efficient estimation of the number of clusters, Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning -- IDEAL 2000, Second International-Conference, Hong Kong, China, 2000, 1722. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1983, Kwong Sak Leung, Lai-Wan Chan, and Helen Meng Ed. ; , Springer, 2000 ; [7] J.M. Jolion, P. Meer, and S. Bataouche, Robust clustering with applications in computer vision, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 13 8 ; , 1991, 791802. [8] R. Krishnapuram, and C.P. Freg, Fitting an unknown number of lines and planes to image data throughcompatible cluster merging, Pattern recognition, 25, 1992, 385400. [9] O. Nasraoui, E. Leon and R. Krishnapuram, Niche clustering: Discovering an unknown number of clusters in noisy data sets, in A. Ghosh and L.C. Jain Ed. ; Evolutionary Computing in Data Mining Springer Verlag, 2004 ; 157188. [10] D. Pelleg, and A. Moore: Accelerating exact -means algorithms with geometric reasoning, KDD-99, 1999, 277-281. [11] D. Pelleg, and A. Moore, -means: Extending means with efficient estimation of the number of clusters, 17th International Conf. on Machine Learning, 2000, 727734, [12] J. Vesanto, J. Himberg, E. Alhoniemi and J. Parhankangas, Self-organizing map in matlab: the SOM toolbox, Proc. the Matlab DSP Conference 1999, Espoo, Finland, 1999, 3540. [13] M.-H. Yang, and N. Ahuja: A data partition method for parallel self-organizing map, Proc. the 1999 IEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Networks IJCNN 99 ; , Washington DC, USA, 1999. [14] T. Zhang, R. Ramakrishnan and M. Livny: BIRCH: An efficient data clustering method for very large databases, SIGMOD Conf. 1996, 103114.
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More rhetoric, regarding opioids and neuropathic pain. Pain 1991; 47: 1-2. Fields HL. Can opiates relieve neuropathic pain? Pain 1988; 35: 365-7. Arner S, Meyerson BA. Lack of analgesic effect of opioids on neuropathic and idiopathic forms of pain. Pain 1988; 33: 11-23. Idem. Genuine resistance to opioids -- fact or fiction? Pain 1991; 47: 116-21. Dellemijn P. Are opioids effective in relieving neuropathic pain? Pain 1999; 80: 453-62. McQuay HJ. Opioid use in chronic pain. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand 1997; 41: 175-83. Wall PD. Neuropathic pain. Pain 1990; 43: 267-8. Portenoy RK, Foley KM, Inturrisi CE. The nature of opioid responsiveness and its implications for neuropathic pain: new hypotheses derived from studies of opioid infusions. Pain 1990; 43: 273-86. Rowbotham MC, Reisner-Keller LA, Fields HL. Both intravenous lidocaine and morphine reduce the pain of postherpetic neuralgia. Neurology 1991; 41: 1024-8. Dellemijn PL, Vanneste JA. Randomised double-blind active-placebo-controlled crossover trial of intravenous fentanyl in neuropathic pain. Lancet 1997; 349: 753-8. Rowbotham MC. The debate over opioids and neuropathic pain. In: Kalso E, Wiesenfeld-Hallin Z, McQuay HJ, eds. Opioid sensitivity of chronic noncancer pain. Vol. 14 of Progress in pain research and management. Seattle: IASP Press, 1999: 307-18.
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